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CBT & Mental Health and Wellness Coach #2| PERMA ACCREDITED

Created by: Sufani Garza, Place of Bliss Academy Release Date: Rating: 4.8

Internationally Certified & Accredited

Accredited POBA Certificate Upon Request

This course is Master Class, Level 2.

Please also see: CBT and Mental Health and Wellness Coach #1, PERMA ACCREDITED

This training is 100 percent derived from students who asked the questions, and I gave my answers.

As I state in all my courses, listen to the lectures and take them in, make sense of the discussion, take the parts you resonate with and add them into your life in order to have a more peaceful life. Quality of life is top priority and the choices we make in life will determine the level of peace or conflict we have. It's just that simple. Self-awareness in all these topics is the first step at emotional intelligence. When we think these things through and choose our responses we are no longer reacting and creating conflict or havoc on our life. We make better choices, and we look out for ourselves in ways that confirm our self-love.

In this course we cover and counter with behavior modification, positive psychology and mental health awareness:

Emotionally Intelligent Boundaries for Empaths

Emotionally Intelligent Disconnects, People Shedding & Isolation

Emotional Intelligence of Living in Two Worlds

Emotionally Intelligent Self-Realizations: When Tricks No Longer Work

Emotionally Inteligent Relationship Navigation

Emotional Intelligence In Discipline & Knowing the Difference Between Want & Need

Emotional Intelligence of Staying Positive with a Disability (and in general)

Emotional Intelligence of Knowing Your Triggers: Trauma & Dissonance

We cover these topics that touch on our psychology, our stories we have sold ourselves for years, we will be given the chance to relook at ourselves and this time decide who we want to be, how we want to be and begin to develop the person we can be in love with. When we are healthy, we draw healthy people to us which support a healthy life all around.

Focus: PERMA: In positive psychology we focus on teh acronym P for positive psychology, E for engagement, R for relationships, M for meaning, and A for Accomplishments. All of which make for a well-rounded human.

What you'll learn

  • How to set intelligent boundaries, especially if you are empathic

  • How to shed toxic people and situations and not feel isolated

  • How to navigate a foot in two worlds

  • How to manage self-realization when your tricks no longer work

  • Navigating romantic and other relationships with BPD or mental health issues (and in general)

  • How to help yourself and others with depression

  • The difference between wanting and needing

  • How to develop self-discipline

  • How to stay positive with a disability

  • How to recognize when you are triggered by trauma and recognize trauma dissonance

  • Access to the POBA Recommended Reading Library and Resources Center

You may take the Master Classes in any order, but I recommend them in order and both to be taken to complete your education.

These courses, master class one and two, are so important for those growing in self-awareness and want a more peaceful, harmonious life, spiritual seekers, therapists who work with others in psychology, counseling, psychotherapy, ministering to the public, ministers of peace, esoteric healers in reiki, spiritual counseling, soul care, meditation instructors, doctors, psychic readers, chakra healers, lightworkers, healers of all kinds and so on, because all work with people who need guidance will eventually need help in these areas. Having discussed these topics opens the door for you to form your own view and strategy on how to deal with these things in a healthy manner and thus be able to instruct others if the time comes to offer assistance. My discussion is just the beginning. The mastery work is for you to decide what you agree with, how you will implement the teachings, what made sense to you, how it unlocked a storyline in your own life and were able to reroute it to a healthier way of life and response. The goal is self-love, and quality of life for you and your clients, patients, friends and family.

If you are new here, welcome. If you are returning, welcome back!

I teach in the shaman's way, conversational and through stories. If you are one who needs pies and chart you won't get that here. If you can sit back and listen and take it into process, you will love this ease of learning. See my over six thousand reviews to see how over twenty-five thousand students have responded to my way of teaching thus far.

See you in class,

Love & Light, Sufi

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