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Mental Health & Emotional Health Workout - help yourself!

Created by: Graham Nicholls Release Date: Rating: 4.6

Mental Health & Emotional Health Workout

Let me start by asking you a question...... if you wanted to get healthier in a physical sense, you would start some sort of physical workout, right?

I know the answer is yes, so my next question is....... why wouldn't you do a workout for your mental health and emotional health?

And the obvious answer to that is.... you should!

In this short, yet powerful course you will learn how to create a simple and effective mental health and emotional health workout. The aim of this is to balance your mental and emotional state so that you can live a more balanced life in those areas. Mental Health is still, despite some media attention, an under discussed subject and therefore a subject that many avoid. Of course, avoidance gets us nowhere so we need to start doing something about it.

You are not alone!

If you don't know my story then you can be assured that you are not alone if you need to balance out your mental health and emotional health. Over 20 years ago I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and stress all at the same time and given a prescription for medication. I decided that I didn't know enough about these conditions so I started a learning journey that has never ended. Now I help people, all over the world, to improve their mental health and emotional health and one of the key ways I do that is by helping them to create a Mental & Emotional Health Workout.

Now it is your turn!

This course will teach you how to create your own mental health and emotional health workout so that you can benefit from balancing yourself out. You'll learn the four key aspects of an effective mental health and emotional health workout so that you can get started straight away. Will you let me teach you? Will you allow me to help you? I really hope so!

To get started creating your mental health and emotional health workout today all you need to go is click the Enroll Now button below and you'll have instant, unlimited access so you can go over the course as many times as you wish.

Plus.... you'll benefit from Udemy's 30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee so you are fully covered!

Go on...... get started today!

Mental Health | Emotional Health | Depression | Anxiety | Stress | Overwhelm

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