Baked Caramel Custard might be just the dessert you are searching for. This gluten free recipe serves 6 and costs 76 cents per serving. One serving contains 251 calories, 12g of protein, and 1g of fat. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes approximately 45 minutes. This recipe from Foodista has 46 fans. If you have port wine, egg yolk, evaporated skim milk, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 61%. This score is solid. Try Mexican Flan (Baked caramel Custard), Caramel Custard Pots with Salted Caramel Sauce, and Caramel Custard for similar recipes.
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Scald the milks together in a heavy saucepan. Remove from the heat.
- Caramelize the sugar in a skillet over medium heat until it melts and turns brown. Slowly add the milks to the sugar, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves.
- In a medium bowl, beat the egg substitute and egg yolk together until it is lemon-colored. Add the milk mixture, port, and vanilla and stir well.
- Pour the mixture into 6 custard cups and place them into a baking dish. Pour boiling water into the baking dish so that the water comes halfway up the sides of the cups. Place in the oven and bake until set, about 35 to 40 minutes.
- Remove the custard cups from the oven and cool completely in the refrigerator. When they are chilled, place a dessert plate on top of each custard cup and invert. Serve immediately.
- This recipe yields 6 servings.
- Serving size: 1/2 cup.
- 1 egg substitute
- 2 egg yolk
- 3 evaporated skim milk
- 4 port wine
- 5 skim milk
- 6 sugar plus
- 7 sugar
- 8 vanilla
- 1 Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Scald the milks together in a heavy saucepan.
- 3 Add the milk mixture, port, and vanilla and stir well.
- 4 Pour the mixture into 6 custard cups and place them into a baking dish.
- 5 Pour boiling water into the baking dish so that the water comes halfway up the sides of the cups.
- 6 Place in the oven and bake until set, about 35 to 40 minutes.
- 7 Remove the custard cups from the oven and cool completely in the refrigerator. When they are chilled, place a dessert plate on top of each custard cup and invert.
- 8 Serve immediately.This recipe yields 6 servings.Serving size: 1/2 cup.